International Labour Law

Dr. Jutta Walther


Mörsenbroicher Weg 200
40470 Düsseldorf
Tel: +49 (0) 211 / 66 96 67-0
Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 66 96 67 66

Jutta Walther studied law in Mannheim and Cologne with a focus on criminal law. Jutta was been admitted to the bar since 1999. The main aspect of Jutta´s work involves representing businesses in cross-border commercial activities. This includes advising German enterprises in business transactions with foreign companies and representing foreign enterprises doing business in Germany. In this context, the posting or temporary deployment of workers is of central significance, including from a European law perspective. One of Jutta´s special fields of expertise is providing advice on how to avoid risks of criminal and administrative sanctions. In this regard Jutta represents clients in negotiations which prosecuting authorities and also acts as a defense councelor. She also handles certain employment and labour law and administrative law matters on their behalf.

She has special expertise in the fields of posting, supply of temporary workers, false self-employment and Soka-Bau.