International Labour Law

Stefan Zickgraf


Av. de la Renaissance 1
1000 Brüssel
Tel: +32 (0) 2 / 739 63 54
Fax: +32 (0) 2 / 736 05 71

Stefan Zickgraf studied law in Bonn and Cologne with a focus on commercial and corporate law as well as European law. He has been admitted to the bar since 2006.

Stefan primarily advises companies involved in cross-border activities on various aspects of European law, particularly public procurement law, European competition law and international commercial law, and in anti-dumping procedures. He also represents well-known institutions and associations at the European level. He has specialized expertise in the area of European subsidy schemes. He is also a regular speaker at conferences, predominantly on matters of European law.

Languages: German, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Romanian